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General terms and conditions of use

These general terms and conditions govern the use of the site www.movement.com.br (“site”), made available and maintained by BRUDDEN EQUIPAMENTOS LTDA., manufacturer of Movement equipment, registered in the National Register of Legal Entities under no. 43.061.654/0001-38, headquartered in the city of Pompéia, State of São Paulo, at Av. Industrial, no. 700, Industrial District, CEP 17580-000.

The website provides e-commerce services and these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”) govern and make public the general conditions to be observed during use.


1.1 The use of the site, from browsing and/or making any purchase, will be interpreted as acceptance of the present and also of our Privacy Policy, the entire content of which can be accessed by clicking here.

1.2 The Consumer declares that before initiating any navigation on the site, he was aware of any modifications or updates to these Terms or the Privacy Policy, always carried out with the objective of Brudden to improve or perfect them.

1.3 If you do not agree with any of the rules described herein, the Consumer must immediately refrain from using the website and, if it is in your interest, you can also contact the customer service and request clarification.


2.1 Registration

2.1.1 Browsing and consulting all our products is free and does not require registration. However, making purchases is only possible after the Consumer has registered by providing their registration data, informed when filling in specific fields, such as, but not limited to, full name, CPF, e-mail, address and telephone numbers for contact.

2.1.2 To carry out the registration, the Consumer must be over 18 (eighteen) years old and civilly capable, in accordance with Brazilian legislation.

2.1.3 The Consumer guarantees, under penalty of personal liability, to provide only true and authentic data and information, and undertakes to keep its data and information constantly updated.

2.1.4 Brudden reserves the right to use all valid and possible means to identify the Consumer, in addition to requesting additional data and documents to verify the personal data informed, in order to guarantee greater security for the transactions carried out on the site.

2.2 Logins and Passwords

2.2.1 The Consumer is responsible for the custody, surveillance and secrecy of his login and password to access the website, as well as for the improper use of his registration by third parties.

2.2.2 The login and access password are confidential and cannot be shared or used by third parties.

2.2.3 When registering on the website, the Consumer declares that he/she is solely responsible for the operations carried out through his/her login, which access will only be allowed after providing the exclusive, personal and non-transferable password.

2.2.4 For greater security, Brudden suggests the use of complex passwords, unrelated to birthdays, first name, telephone number and vehicle plates.

2.2.5 Brudden also recommends the use of personal and/or trusted computers, with the installation of antivirus programs, including keeping and periodically checking their updates.

2.3. Duties while using the website

2.3.1 When accessing and using the website, the Consumer undertakes to:

  1. Not to use, under any circumstances, the website for any purpose other than that present in these Terms, in particular, but not limited to knowing, researching, buying Movement equipment and accessories;
  2. Not to insert or allow third parties to insert illegal content on the website or contrary to morals and good customs, capable of violating the rights of third parties and harming the image of the Movement brand;
  3. Not infringe any rule or law in force.

2.3.2 Failure to comply with any of the obligations set forth in these Terms, gives Brudden the right to temporarily block and/or delete the Consumer's registration in order to prevent their access to the website, regardless of prior notice or notification.


3.1 The site provides e-commerce services, based on sales made by Brudden and its affiliates, headquartered in the cities of Manaus/AM and Itajaí/SC.

3.2 The conditions of purchase and sale, delivery, freight, assembly and return are provided for in our Commercial Policy, exchanges and returns, whose entire content can be accessed by clicking here.


4.1 The Consumer may, whenever he wishes to clarify doubts, make criticisms or suggestions, keep in touch with Brudden through the consumer service service through the telephones (14) 3042-0021 and 0800 772 4080 or by e-mail [email protected].

4.2 When contacting the customer service, mainly to request Technical Assistance services, the Consumer must always have the invoice for the product.


5.1 When browsing the site, the Consumer expressly declares that he is aware of the Privacy Policy and grants Brudden authorization to process the personal data collected, always safeguarding the Consumer's right, at any time, to revoke his consent, by sending a request. for [email protected].


6.1 All content on the site, in particular, but not limited to photos, videos, illustrations, applications, databases, networks, files, are the exclusive property of Brudden, and its copying, reproduction or use is prohibited without prior and express authorization from Brudden, under penalty of civil and criminal liability.


7.1 The offers published on the site are linked to the existing quantity of the respective product in stock and may be excluded at any time, regardless of prior notice, without Brudden being responsible for the delivery and/or completion of the purchase.

7.2 Despite using the best efforts to protect the Consumer, it is not possible to guarantee the absence of failures, interruptions, viruses, among other occurrences when using the site, which is why Brudden is not responsible for such occurrences and, also, for the quality and security of the network used by the Consumer, maintained by third parties, with no relation or interference by Brudden.

7.3 Brudden is responsible for delivering the purchased product only to the door of the house or entrance of buildings and condominiums, and it is up to the Consumer to transport the purchased item to the interior of the property.


8.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Use will remain in force for an indefinite period.

8.2 Access to and availability of the site may be interrupted at any time, regardless of prior notice, without any compensation to be paid by Brudden to the Consumer.

8.3 The use of the site by the Consumer in disagreement with the provisions of these Terms will provide Brudden with the right to cancel access, regardless of notice or notification.


9.1 The Consumer declares that he is aware of and agrees with the form of communication, with Brudden being able to use telephone, e-mail, SMS, Messaging Applications and postal correspondence.

9.2 The tolerance of either party regarding the requirement of a certain right or non-compliance with any of the obligations of these Terms will not be considered novation or waiver of any right.

9.3 Not all products presented on this site may be available and, at any time, they may be changed, without the need for prior notice.

9.4 Before completing the purchase, the Consumer declares to have carefully read the Instruction Manual and all the characteristics of the product, including technical data, voltage, not being able to exempt itself from its obligations under the allegation of ignorance or lack of knowledge.

9.5 The nullity or invalidity of any provision of these Terms does not automatically imply the nullity of the others, which will remain valid and in force.

9.6 The buying and selling activity carried out by Brudden on the website does not imply a risk to the Consumer's rights, which is why the strict liability provided for in article 927, sole paragraph, of the Civil Code does not apply.


10.1 These Terms and any claims arising from their violation will be governed by the legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

10.2 The jurisdiction of the Consumer's domicile is elected to settle any doubts, questions or disputes arising from these Terms, waiving the parties to any other, however privileged it may be.

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